I have written up my Comic Con Adventures over at my regular blog CAT'S BLOG!
Go on over and take a look, read it and see some pictures!
I'm going to do my best to get back on track and write some posts about comic books every Wednesday, beginning this month of August! Wish me luck!
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Comic Con 2010 Begins
I, Cat am in San Diego and I am attending the San Diego Comic Con!

I am so excited to be in San Diego and have been brimming with excitement since the month of July began.
Preview night began this Wednesday and I have already bought 40+ comic books, 2 A-Team Posters (don't judge me!) and a toy for my niece. The SWAG has included a few t-shirts, buttons, rings and a mask!

Comic Con is definitely off to a fantastic start! Badges were picked up easily and wandering the halls was a lot of fun. I cannot wait for the first full day to begin. I've got a plan to buy lots of comic books, snag a few toy exclusives and then get back to the comic books, as I want a lot, remember?
Then there's the panels, movie panels! I've got my Thursday/Friday schedule in order, it all just comes down to deciding whether or not I want to tie myself to a chair for a whole day...hmmm...the back issues are a callin'.
But, Comic Con is going to be great, each year I have more and more fun. I plan to seek out FLYNN'S ARCADE and live out a TRON fantasy. I cannot wait to hang with my fellow geeky friends! I am sooo excited about just finding old dollar bins and filling in my comic book collection with back issues. Maybe I can track down DAN JURGENS again and gush again about my Love of BOOSTER GOLD! (I got a few comments on my t-shirt today! Let's hear it the BOOSTER GOLD FAN CLUB!)
This it's truly one of my most favorite times of year and I hope everyone attending Comic Con has as much fun as I'm having! YUP YUP YUP!

If you'd like to know more please follow me on the adventure as I tweet my way though the convention hall! http://twitter.com/cahcat
RAH! RAH! RAH! It's time for Comic Con! Whooo! Hooooo!!

I am so excited to be in San Diego and have been brimming with excitement since the month of July began.
Preview night began this Wednesday and I have already bought 40+ comic books, 2 A-Team Posters (don't judge me!) and a toy for my niece. The SWAG has included a few t-shirts, buttons, rings and a mask!

Comic Con is definitely off to a fantastic start! Badges were picked up easily and wandering the halls was a lot of fun. I cannot wait for the first full day to begin. I've got a plan to buy lots of comic books, snag a few toy exclusives and then get back to the comic books, as I want a lot, remember?
Then there's the panels, movie panels! I've got my Thursday/Friday schedule in order, it all just comes down to deciding whether or not I want to tie myself to a chair for a whole day...hmmm...the back issues are a callin'.
But, Comic Con is going to be great, each year I have more and more fun. I plan to seek out FLYNN'S ARCADE and live out a TRON fantasy. I cannot wait to hang with my fellow geeky friends! I am sooo excited about just finding old dollar bins and filling in my comic book collection with back issues. Maybe I can track down DAN JURGENS again and gush again about my Love of BOOSTER GOLD! (I got a few comments on my t-shirt today! Let's hear it the BOOSTER GOLD FAN CLUB!)
This it's truly one of my most favorite times of year and I hope everyone attending Comic Con has as much fun as I'm having! YUP YUP YUP!

If you'd like to know more please follow me on the adventure as I tweet my way though the convention hall! http://twitter.com/cahcat
RAH! RAH! RAH! It's time for Comic Con! Whooo! Hooooo!!
Booster Gold,
comic books,
Comic Con,
Dan Jurgens,
San Diego,
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Free Comic Book Day 2010

The plan of attack was to see a Fraggle and get some comic books by visiting a few of my favorite shops.
First up was MELTDOWN COMICS on Sunset Blvd. where they had "RED FRAGGLE" making a special appearance! My nieces love the FRAGGLES!! Watching Celia the moment we walked into the store and seeing Ms. Red Fraggle herself I couldn't have been happier. Honestly, there's almost nothing better than seeing kids love the things you love.
Celia was a bit shy at first so we just watched others take pictures with Red and wandered the store and picked up our stack of free comics. We also met the artist and writer of the new Fraggle Rock Comic Book and they signed a poster for Celia which she clung to tightly.
After a while Celia got her courage and wanted to meet Red, so we got in line, just before it got cut off and it was AWESOME. Celia walked away saying "RED SAID IT WAS NICE TO MEET ME." Awww, I loved it!

COMIC BOOK DAY was off to an awesome start and while at Meltdown I saw a dozen familiar faces, a few New Bev-ers and fellow comic book nerds.

Off we went then to GOLDEN APPLE COMICS on Melrose Ave. They had a BBQ and jumper in their parking lot. We scored even more comics and I bought Celia her own copy of the new Fraggle Rock book along with an old Justice League Unlimited back issue. After mingling and wandering the shop we made our way to our final destination.

HOUSE OF SECRETS in Burbank is an awesome little shop that I often visit with Celia. Once we walked in we saw SUPERGIRL and that totally made Celia's day, they talked about WONDER WOMAN and Super Heroes and it was all just so cute!
I think the day was an absolute success! Sharing my comic book passion with my niece and her embracing it just gives me hope for the comic book future! That's what FREE COMIC BOOK DAY is all about, spreading the word on Comic Books, getting everyone, young and old excited for stories that push the imagination.
I can't wait till FREE COMIC BOOK DAY in 2011 and you know that come Wednesday (New Comic Book Day) I'll be at some shop buying my books!

Comic Book Store,
comic books,
free comic book day
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Reading Continues, But Cat Takes A Writing Break, D'oh!
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
I am a terrible person, delayed in sharing what I've recently read! Procrastination is my enemy and I seem to use up all the minutes in my day with movies, but I have read some comics, I just have to write about them! I'll be sharing bits on the comic book adaptation of the TV Series SLEDGE HAMMER!!! Yup! Stay tuned!! It's in the works and on the way!!! YUP!
comic books,
Sledge Hammer
Wednesday, February 17, 2010

July 2008
Written and Illustrated by: Joe Kubert
A Six-Issue Miniseries
Tor is a prehistoric man, he's the curious type and full of wonder as created by writer and artist Joe Kubert, and has long been in the comic book realm.
This run of TOR came out in 2008 and having had some old TOR from the 70's I had to pick it up. I've dug out this first issue and one from the the 1975 run, issue #3, to see how things have or haven't changed.
In this first issue; "Tor: A Prehistoric Odyssey" our hero, a strong silent type of the past, has been outcast from his tribe and is left to wandering and surviving on his own.

Tor goes off on his quest, aiming to explore what is off in the horizon, a place that his elders avoided. Kubert narrates each step of Tor's journey sharing his survival instinct through the uncertainty that lies ahead in this bright and fresh colored world. Filled with curiosity Tor is and ready to meet his fate finding moments of paradise...

and moments of danger...

Tor is ultimately a hero type, though he takes care of himself first, he is not the kind to let others suffer if he can be of some help and that was part of his drive in the earlier series as well.

Vol. 1 No. 3 Oct 1975
By Joe Kubert
Kubert created Tor back in the 50's and I learned he was one of the first characters in a 3D comic book. As the Tor series continued off and on this issue from the 70's was very Tarzan-esque. The prehistoric times were very jungle heavy and Tor even has his primate pal, Chee Chee.
It is understandable that Kubert leaned a bit towards Tarzan themes as he was in charge of Edgar Rice Burroughs properties at DC and also drew for those books in the 70's after-all.

Tor is an entertaining read and a fun adventure from a 1,000,000 years ago. I must say that I found the art of the earlier Tor more exciting. There's a darker color tone with a lot of action going on and they really filled out the panels or I'm probably just nostalgic for that old comic book look.

Now I'm leaning towards digging out some of my Tarzan books, will that be next weeks? Hmmm...
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Weird Suspense: The Tarantula

Three Issue series from 1975 - Atlas Comics
25 Cents
Issue #1 - Curse of the Tarantula
Character Created and Scripted by: Michael Fleisher
Artist: Pat Boyette
Issue #2 - The Revenge of the Spider Witch!
Script: Michael Fleisher
Artist: Pat Boyette
Issue #3 - Mind Over Matter = Murder
Scripter: Gary Friedrich
Artist: Pat Boyette
“...a weird blood gorging creature of the supernatural...”
Hi there! Are you looking for weird suspense? Do you want to be frightened? Well look no further comic book readers; the Tarantula is here to deliver the goods! Strange things are afoot and we’re being warned from the start of issue one to look away – “…those who become easily frightened are cautioned NOT to read this magazine!”
In this world of weird the Tarantula is Eugene Lycosa, a cursed descendant of Count Lycosa who burned the High Priestess of the Tarantula Cult ages ago at a small European Village.

The curse of the Tarantula means all males of the Lycosa lineage are doomed to transforms into a spider creature that has a terrible blood lust, which must be appeased. In this modern day of 1975 Count Eugene Lycosa lives in his countryside mansion as the 11th Count suffering the affliction.
The Count has kept himself isolated for fear of devouring innocent men and women. Of course one fateful night three escaped convicts find his home and get caught in the Tarantula’s mighty web. It is then that the Count decides he must use his curse for some “practical” means while also quenching his blood thirsty desires, he will prey on evil men. (That’s very Dexter-esque, wouldn’t you say?)
The first issue gives the full origin of the Lycosa clan and the troubles continues on through issue two!

While the Count is in the city feeding on some cop killers the one hoodlum who got away has become entranced and resurrects The Spider Witch! Yes, the Priestess is back and out for vengeance, though momentarily weakened by Astral Disintegration.

After killing the Count’s servant Joseph she works on rounding up a few new tarantula henchmen.

Check out the Priestess out on the prowl…and the men are totally into her too!

Once the Priestess gets the Count in her web it’s time for a showdown! The Count and Priestess have a tussle at the edge of a cave while in spider mode and our hero the Tarantula wins! Even with the witch killed again the curse still continues and the Count is determined to use the Tarantula to prey on “evil wherever it may flourish!”

In issue three there’s a change in tone with a new writer onboard. The origin is again quickly recounted, a new villain is introduced and we get to see the Count at his day job as an Investment Counselor where he has a secretary, Natalie, and they both have secret crushes on each other.

The bad guy is Abdul Rashad, a “brilliant but desperate young Arab student” who has powers over inanimate objects, which he brings to life to do his bidding. Abdul’s big plan is to steal his father’s money and use his powers to rule the world. (Sounds simple enough, right?)

I must say I was sad that the battle depicted on the cover, with the Tarantula fighting a stone gargoyle, never happens! (The covers of this series depict some of the best action bits in my opinion.) Though before it was all done the Tarantula does fight a four-armed snake statue, and plays some mind games with the young man before sucking him dry.

As mentioned there was a change in tone and it was mostly with Eugene Lycosa, here he’s even more tortured and distraught. He has his new servant tie him up at night so he doesn’t go on a killing spree munching on innocent blood. When the Count finally transforms to the Tarantula the creature has motives of his own, more of a Jekyll and Hyde thing that wasn’t around in issue one.
Overall this series dished out some dark attitude and drama, lots of action, and then gushed out a lot of bloody gore talk. The Tarantula really had some potential to spin a lot of web but his run was short lived.

There were a ton of fun ads throughout each comic book with offers for a High School Diploma, and Bodybuilder bodies. I especially liked the film collectibles, model kits and van customizing. Lastly one more highlight was the advertisement for the book Very Special People featuring the likes of “The Caterpillar Man”. It was only $6.95 and postage for 60 cents!

Now evil men beware the Tarantula! While the Count was pretty happy at the end of the book, the curse was not gone and that spider blood lust must be fed! So, watch out for giant webs in dark alleys. Yup!

Comic Books Kick Ass!
25 cents,
Atlas Comics,
comic books,
Weird Suspense
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
SUPERNATURAL: Beginning's End

Since the TV series SUPERNATURAL first started I've been hooked. Following the adventures of Sam and Dean Winchester as they hunt ghosts, fight demons and save people from evil I've laughed, cried and been seriously creeped out. SUPERNATURAL is now in it's fifth season and I'm still on the edge of my seat to see what happens next as the Apocalypse is now in motion.

The SUPERNATURAL series has spun off in comic books, the first mini series was SUPERNATURAL: ORIGINS, a 6 issue story arc focusing on Daddy John Winchester and how he got started in his quest to find the demon that killed his wife while raising his boys.

It was a good set and solid story. I honestly can't get enough of this show and always want more bits and pieces. I was happy when I heard another series of comic books were coming out.

Issue #1 - March 2010
Writers: Andres Dabb & Daniel Loflin
Art - Diego Almos (Cover Art too)
In Beginning's End we are told of the events that lead to where Season one began, a time when Sam and Dean are all grown up and at their dad's side though Sam is rebelling wishing for a normal life and college.
The book is very much in tone of the series, it's really nice to get more of Sam and Dean with their dad though the relationship is volatile. They have a real dysfunctional family unit, and it's the family ties that are the core of the show.
In Beginning John, Dean and Sam are close to getting new information on the demon killer while meeting up with a team of Hunters in New York City. These hunters don't to have the same outlook as the Winchesters and use extreme force taking out creatures, even harmless ones just because they're monsters. Supernatural does offer a good sense of humanity and moral dilemmas which adds to it's fine storytelling.

I really do like this art style, though it's not the exact likeness of Sam and Dean a.k.a Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles respectively. The art has captured the overall grimy, shadowed atmosphere of the show and it's all pretty slick.

Now this is just the first issue, the intros have been made and the family dynamic is set up and the action has already started up nice with some monster fights. I'm quite anxious to see how the rest of the story plays out. Thanks to being a regular weekly/monthly comic buyer I have some patience but it's not always easy.
This Thursday, Feb. 4th is SUPERNATURAL TV night and I'm excited for the show. Let the Sam and Dean adventure continue! Yup!
Wednesday, January 27, 2010

DC COMICS: Superman Presents the Krypton Chronicles - 3 issues mini-series
60 Cents
Writer: E. Nelson Bridwell
Penciller: Curt Swan
Vol. 1 No. 1 - September 1981 - Cover Art: Buckler & Giordano
Vol. 1 No. 2 - October 1981 - Cover Art: Andru & Giordano
Vol. 1 No. 3 - November. 1981 - Cover Art: Andru & Giordano
I am a DC fangirl and I’d say most of my comic book collection is made up of DC books. The “S” section alone is filled with oh so many SUPER titles and to me that is a good thing. Of course with so many books I’m always adding more then I have time to read because I have this collector, complete-ist mentality where I want it all.
Going through my books I came across a three issues mini-series KRYPTON CHORNICLES from the 80’s, which I had not read! It’s was totally awesome, well at least a lot of fun, and so different from what’s going on now. How times have changed, and I know Krypton history has been updated since this little book.
It all begins when the owner of the Daily Planet Morgan Edge (still a good guy at this point of the DC timeline) calls in Clark Kent and Perry White to his office. Mr. Edge explains he wants Clark to go to his best friend SUPERMAN and get the 411 on the Superman Family Tree so they can put together a “ROOTS” like mini-series and bring in the ratings!

Of course Clark/Superman is all for the idea since he too had been wondering more about his past. From there we go to the Fortress of Solitude to being an “epic voyage of discovery” for the Krypton Chronicles!
At the Fortress of Solitude Supergirl is waiting for Clark as it happens to be the day the COSMIC AXIS shifts and KANDOR* is in Earth’s dimensional Plane!
*Krypton Glossary Time! The mini-series features a KRYPTON GLOSSARY at the end of each issue where the Kryptonian names and words are translated and explained as needed. i.e.: KANDOR: “The Former Capital of Krypton until it was stolen, shrunken, and placed in the bottle by the space-villain Brainiac. After defeating Brainiac, Superman kept the bottle-city in his fortress until he found a way to enlarge it on another world. “

Supergirl and Superman travel to Kandor and visit the House of El, which houses the statues of their ancestors. Using Kryptonian technology ala Mind-Tapes, Superman begins the history lesson. Along with him we learn of the Krypton race, how they came to be so technologically advanced, building the first cities, and about their God Rao.

Later Superman moves on to using the HEADBANDS worn by his forefathers to learn about the days Krypton was enslaved by the Alien VRANGS! Next it was of the findings of Sur-El the glassmaker who created the telescope! If only the Kryptonians had headed Sur-El’s warning of incoming invaders they may have been able to fight off the VRANGS from the start. Now, it just goes to show that Kryptonians have always doubted the facts and they tend to back the wrong scientists until it’s too late, I mean look what happened to their planet, right?

During the first two issues, there’s also a side story of a shadowed figure that is trying to sabotage Superman and Supergirl from leaving the planet. This mystery woman was Zora a.k.a. Black Flame. She was using her vibrator ray, (yes, vibrator ray) to trap the SUPER duo in the museum so she could escape to Earth and take Supergirl’s powers. Of course Supergirl caught on and captured Zora instead, just in the nick of time so that they can leave Kandor to continue their history research elsewhere with another new gadget!

In issue #3 Supergirl and Superman complete their KRYPTON CHRONICLES using a “LIGHT SEEKER” which was designed to “Reach out for great distances… and pick up light…to give a complete picture,” but without sound they have to practice their lip-reading for whatever it is they see. This actually was the most reliable plan because Superman rejected the time travel possibilities since Krypton’s Red Sun would take away their powers.
We learn of more Kryptonian science discoveries, witness the great Flood (very similar to Earth’s Noah story) and meet Kal-El’s own ancestors who began the house of El.

The series was quite informative and fun while I can’t help but find some things silly/cheesy yet it was the beginning of the 80’s after-all and Superman was quite wholesome.
The Ad’s in the book were awesome, especially the HOSTESS comic page. Issue #1 featured WONDER WOMAN Versus THE ROBOT MASTER and she foiled his plans with Twinkies! Issue #2 BATMAN stopped some bad movie pirates with HOSTESS Cup Cakes and Issue #3 the RED TORNADO used the Cup Cakes in a “Clean Sweep”. It all just proves that no villain or super hero can resist the allure of sugar filled cakes and now I crave Twinkies.

Reading through this book I also realize that my own use or sometime overuse of exclamations points must have been influenced by comic books. On the covers there are always exclamation points and most conversations are ended with them. So that’s another thing I have to thank my comics for! Yup!!!!
I really do want to dig into more back issues, get the history straight, but it has changed so much since things like Earth 2 and all the crisis’s that have gone on! But comics are able to do their reboots more often aren’t they? Most folks keep on reading for the stories, right? Well, I’m having fun doing so and will be back with some more!!
Clark Kent,
comic books,
DC Comics,
Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Vol. 2 Issue #1 - March 1991 - Marvel Comics
Cover Art: Joe Jusko
Now I was first introduced to Remo Williams by the movie, REMO WILLIAMS: THE ADVENTURE BEGINS starring Fred Ward and Joel Gray. A cop is framed for murder and executed, but he didn't actually die. That man, Remo awakes to discover he had been recruited by Harold Smith to a super secret agency called CURE. Chiun, the Master of Sinanju, trains him to be the world's greatest assassin to protect the Constitution and keep America safe.
The film is based on THE DESTROYER book series which began in 1971 as written by Warren Murphy and Richard Sapir and the series still continues today with THE NEW DESTROYER. I'm quite fond of these books and love how the second chapter always begins with the line "His Name is Remo..." (It's the best!)
I've slowly and surely been making my way through the series, I've got #36 POWER PLAY in my purse. It's mostly political satire and action, the early books actually hold up well and hit some familiar relevant topics. The series focus is the relationship between Remo and Chiun, it's Student/Master and Father/Son with a lot of bickering going on. Chiun has a superiority complex and Remo is just the average know it all American guy who happens to be well suited for the powers of Sinanju.
Now there's been a few comic books series for The Destroyer all from Marvel and the Magazine Destroyer comics are one of my favorites, especially with art and story. Right now now though I must focus on the issue at hand, #1 which is a one shot following the Magazine set of nine issues.

Drive-By Heaven
Story: Will Murray
Art: Lee Weeks
A street gang in Detroit got their hands on a Flexible Fifty machine gun and they venture into the rival gang hood and go on a drive-by rampage. Remo and Chiun are in the neighborhood to put an end to the shootings and take the streets back! Of course Remo must explain to Chiun about the cultural differences of Ghetto neighborhood while Chiun insists he already know it all as previous Sinanju Masters had history with African tribes. The issues of race is a constant Destroyer topic, as Chiun compares everything to his Korean ways. (Don't expect political correctness with Chiun though he really is a good guy just a bit selfish being the Master.)

Chiun and Remo have their usual pick on each other banter and the wrongs are righted with bloody violence by way of Sinanju martial arts.

This book also features a second story:
TERMINAL VELOCITY as written by Will Murray with Art by Steve Ditko!

Using Terminal Velocity and lofting quarters from a blimp up in the sky there's a killer on the loose targeting some mobster types. Smith sends Remo and Chiun to investigate! This little tale ventures into the more fantastical side with a killer using a strange weapon of destruction. The bad guy even has a DIME gun! And then the puns flow forth. "I'd say he's Cashed Out, Wouldn't You?" It's a good thing that Remo and Chiun have fast reflexes and smooth dodging skills!

This was a humorous read but as a DESTROYER fan the stories aren't exactly up to par with the big conspiracy type plots that Remo usually unravels. We get just a taste of Remo's true Sinanju skill. He's a guy who can really climb walls, dodge bullets and move faster than anyone, well except of course Chiun. At one point Remo does worry a bit unnecessarily about Chiun not dodging the killer change. Dude, it's Chiun!
The art was fine, Ditko's was fun and bright, very classic comic book. Though the cover with Remo is not how I picture Remo at all, he's got to be more rugged! Yup. Lee Weeks art suited Remo more but didn't offer much for Chiun. Oh Well.
I'm inspired to dig out my magazine issues of The Destroyer and revisit them, but my Magazine sized comic books haven't been sorted in a while. Actually, the magazine books are mostly old Conan isues and those are my dad's. I think I'll ask him if he's read any in a while.
Once again here's hoping I can get focused and read more, sadly I'm not even halfway through DESTROYER #36! Ahhh, can't be distracted, "must read, must read" that is my new mantra! YUP!
Now that Wednesday Comic Book Day has arrived I'm hoping to pick up my books tomorrow! I'll work on sharing my thoughts on my current pull list but my back issues need love too! I'm gonna try and pick what's next! Remember: COMIC BOOKS KICK ASS!!
comic books,
Fred Ward,
Joel Gray,
Marvel Comics,
Remo Wiliams,
The Destroyer
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