I am so excited to be in San Diego and have been brimming with excitement since the month of July began.
Preview night began this Wednesday and I have already bought 40+ comic books, 2 A-Team Posters (don't judge me!) and a toy for my niece. The SWAG has included a few t-shirts, buttons, rings and a mask!

Comic Con is definitely off to a fantastic start! Badges were picked up easily and wandering the halls was a lot of fun. I cannot wait for the first full day to begin. I've got a plan to buy lots of comic books, snag a few toy exclusives and then get back to the comic books, as I want a lot, remember?
Then there's the panels, movie panels! I've got my Thursday/Friday schedule in order, it all just comes down to deciding whether or not I want to tie myself to a chair for a whole day...hmmm...the back issues are a callin'.
But, Comic Con is going to be great, each year I have more and more fun. I plan to seek out FLYNN'S ARCADE and live out a TRON fantasy. I cannot wait to hang with my fellow geeky friends! I am sooo excited about just finding old dollar bins and filling in my comic book collection with back issues. Maybe I can track down DAN JURGENS again and gush again about my Love of BOOSTER GOLD! (I got a few comments on my t-shirt today! Let's hear it the BOOSTER GOLD FAN CLUB!)
This it's truly one of my most favorite times of year and I hope everyone attending Comic Con has as much fun as I'm having! YUP YUP YUP!

If you'd like to know more please follow me on the adventure as I tweet my way though the convention hall! http://twitter.com/cahcat
RAH! RAH! RAH! It's time for Comic Con! Whooo! Hooooo!!