The plan of attack was to see a Fraggle and get some comic books by visiting a few of my favorite shops.
First up was MELTDOWN COMICS on Sunset Blvd. where they had "RED FRAGGLE" making a special appearance! My nieces love the FRAGGLES!! Watching Celia the moment we walked into the store and seeing Ms. Red Fraggle herself I couldn't have been happier. Honestly, there's almost nothing better than seeing kids love the things you love.
Celia was a bit shy at first so we just watched others take pictures with Red and wandered the store and picked up our stack of free comics. We also met the artist and writer of the new Fraggle Rock Comic Book and they signed a poster for Celia which she clung to tightly.
After a while Celia got her courage and wanted to meet Red, so we got in line, just before it got cut off and it was AWESOME. Celia walked away saying "RED SAID IT WAS NICE TO MEET ME." Awww, I loved it!

COMIC BOOK DAY was off to an awesome start and while at Meltdown I saw a dozen familiar faces, a few New Bev-ers and fellow comic book nerds.

Off we went then to GOLDEN APPLE COMICS on Melrose Ave. They had a BBQ and jumper in their parking lot. We scored even more comics and I bought Celia her own copy of the new Fraggle Rock book along with an old Justice League Unlimited back issue. After mingling and wandering the shop we made our way to our final destination.

HOUSE OF SECRETS in Burbank is an awesome little shop that I often visit with Celia. Once we walked in we saw SUPERGIRL and that totally made Celia's day, they talked about WONDER WOMAN and Super Heroes and it was all just so cute!
I think the day was an absolute success! Sharing my comic book passion with my niece and her embracing it just gives me hope for the comic book future! That's what FREE COMIC BOOK DAY is all about, spreading the word on Comic Books, getting everyone, young and old excited for stories that push the imagination.
I can't wait till FREE COMIC BOOK DAY in 2011 and you know that come Wednesday (New Comic Book Day) I'll be at some shop buying my books!